19 04 ANPET noticiaWhat: Antwerp Inland Navigation School 2022 (hybrid edition)

AINS is a week-long series of presentations, debates, and practical workshops focused on key challenges for Europe's inland navigation industry. It is a great opportunity for seasoned professionals in the business to gain more in-depth knowledge, as well as for academics and Ph.D. students who would like to gain advanced insight into how inland navigation businesses work and what scientific methods can be applied and derived. During and in between the sessions, there will be many networking opportunities. The Antwerp Inland Navigation School program covers a variety of topics. Themes vary from basic to in-depth inland navigation knowledge around the market - process - vessels - infrastructure. Speakers from European universities and international inland navigation businesses highlight topics such as policy and regulations, financing, sustainability, and innovative concepts, and the Future of Inland Navigation.

When/where: 25-29 April 2022, Antwerp, Belgium
Deadline: 20 April 2022
Further Information: Details are available on the website

What: Urban Logistics Summer School 2022

This course provides the necessary background, knowledge and skills for students for an immersion into Urban Logistics. The course is composed of two weeks. During these weeks the students will participate in an intensive series of interactive lectures. Topics are organized per day: urban logistics: setting the scene, logistics and its role in the city, modelling and data collection, evaluation of urban initiatives, and implementations: lessons and challenges. To better enjoy a wonderful summer in Antwerp, additional social activities are scheduled including excursions and group activities in the summer in Antwerp.

When/where: 16-26 August 2022, Antwerp, Belgium
Deadline: 1 June 2022
Further Information: Details are available on the website.

What: Call for papers: Special Issue on Place-Based Decarbonisation

The climate crisis now requires a daunting scale of response if global commitments on emissions reduction are to be met. However, much of the analysis to date has focussed on top-down assessments of what needs to happen with limited understanding of what this means on the ground.

Special Issue Information: This ‘place-based decarbonisation’ for transport special issue presents an opportunity for authors to publish their cutting-edge accounts of empirical research, review papers, theoretical contributions, and practitioner papers from across the world which make a theoretical and/or novel empirical contribution to the understanding of how to decarbonize transport in a range of different contexts and recognising the importance of how local context interacts with decarbonisation as a complex multi-scalar issue. The topics covered in this special issue will include but are not limited to transport decarbonisation and societal readiness, policies and policy packages, fairness and justice, governance and the interface with spatial planning. Place as a lens involves thinking about location, locale, meaning and attachment. Place is not synonymous with local or bottom up but instead, a recognition of the importance of how local context interacts with decarbonisation as a complex multi-scalar issue. The Special Issue encourages the submission of papers from across the world which make a theoretical and/or novel empirical contribution to the understanding of how to decarbonize transport in a range of different contexts.

Guest editors: Dr Samarthia Thankappan, University of York and Prof Greg Marsden, University of Leeds ITS
Deadline: 1 July 2022
Further Information: Find out more and submit your paper here

31 03 ANPET noticia AnalistadeTransporteeMobilidadeContrataEGL Engenharia, empresa de consultoria em transporte e mobilidade urbana, contrata: Engenheiro Civil ou Arquiteto Pleno para atuar como Coordenador de Transporte e Mobilidade Urbana – Vaga para Brasília/DF

Área de atuação: Atuará na coordenação e execução de projetos, para clientes públicos e privados, nas seguintes áreas:

Mobilidade Urbana: planos diretores e de mobilidade, transporte não motorizados, pesquisas origem/destino e tráfego, planejamento de comunicação social,;

Transporte urbano e regional de passageiros: transporte de passageiros, terminais de transporte, planejamento operacional, otimização de redes, modelagem macro e microscópica, tecnologias de transporte coletivo (BRS, BRT e VLT), viabilidade técnica, econômica e ambiental, Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS), gerenciamento financeiro e bilhetagem eletrônica, interoperabilidade e integração de transporte;

Aspectos institucionais do transporte de passageiros: licitações e outorgas, modelagens institucionais e de gestão, regulamentação do transporte público, coletivo e individual.

Formação: engenharia civil ou arquitetura, com pós-graduação na área de transporte e mobilidade.

Experiência profissional: Mínimo 7 anos de experiência, com experiência comprovada na atuação em projetos de engenharia de transportes, planos de mobilidade urbana, estudos de reestruturação de sistemas de transporte coletivo, planilhas tarifárias, sistemas de bilhetagem eletrônica, sistemas inteligentes de transporte (ITS), montagem de editais de licitação de transporte coletivo e terminais, sistemas de modelagem de demanda e rede de transporte e tráfego, viabilidade econômico-financeira, pesquisas de transporte e tráfego.

Competências técnicas

  • Conhecimento atualizado da legislação e regulamentos aplicáveis à área de atuação
  • Conhecimento de licitações e contratos públicos na área de transportes;
  • Conhecimento em técnicas e softwares da área (AutoCad, TransCAD, VISUM, VISSIM, EMME; Aimsun ou similares);
  • Conhecimento em ferramentas de Geoprocessamento (ArcGIS, QGis ou similares);
  • Conhecimento de gestão de projetos, planejamento estratégico, indicadores e metas.

Competências gerais

  • Autonomia e iniciativa para a solução de problemas.
  • Capacidade de articulação, liderança de equipe e bom relacionamento interpessoal.
  • Capacidade de concentração, sistematização, análise e síntese.
  • Capacidade de gestão da informação e da documentação.
  • Capacidade para cumprir prazos estabelecidos, assiduidade e pontualidade.
  • Boa comunicação oral e escrita.
  • Desejável fluência em inglês.

Empresa de atuação nacional com sede em Brasília, vaga para trabalho na sede, disponibilidade para viagens, salário a combinar. Interessados mandar e-mail para Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. com “vaga coordenação transportes” no assunto até 10/04/2022.

11 03 ANPET Research Notícia

A brief note on WCTRS ‘Young’ initiatives

The World Conference on Transport Research Society has established several activities dedicated to and run by young members, commonly called the “Young” initiatives, or “Y” initiatives. Two of the initiatives are explained here: social media (Y-III) and conference organization for young researchers (Y-I).

The WCTRS-YIII activity includes the development of networking facilities for young members of the WCTRS. This includes creating and maintaining a presence on social media, contributing to the WCTRS webpage, establishing mailing groups and a newsletter. The major agenda of the activities includes the promotion of the 2022 Virtual Conference, the 2023 WCTRS-16 in Montreal and in particular the Young Researchers’ Conference (17 July 2023). The team in charge of WCTRS-III is made of Ann Mary Varghese and Eeshan Bhaduri, under the supervision of Professor Laetitia Dablanc.

Ann is a Transport Economist researching (PhD) in the technology adoption of electric vehicles at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Having pursued her graduation, post-graduation and MPhil in Economics, Ann has also two years of work experience assisting consultants to be a consultant herself at McKinsey & Co. and Dohwa Engineering Co Ltd respectively. Her areas of interest include the sustainable transport infrastructure and econometric choice modelling.

Eeshan is a Doctoral Student (PhD) at the Ranbir and Chitra Gupta School of Infrastructure Design and Management at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He is an architect (B.Arch 2011-16) and obtained his Master’s degree in Infrastructure Design and Management from IIT Kharagpur in 2018. His areas of interest are transport infrastructure, travel behaviour modelling (econometric choice modelling), and Geospatial Analytics.

The WCTRS-YI activity is a one-day conference entirely run and organized by three young researchers, providing them with experience in conference organisation and management. The Young conference will take place the day before the general conference, WCTR-23 Montreal. The team will also attend the main conference and have the opportunity to network with their peers and established researchers and practitioners. The Young conference will be run on Monday 17th July 2023, with the theme ‘Imagining the Future: Sustainable and Resilient Transport’. There will be a Question-and-Answer session with senior Society members on career development. There will the opportunity to run other sessions on career development to suit the needs of young members. The Young Researcher’s Conference is free, but participants must also attend the main WCTR-16. The Young conference will be chaired by Sagar Patni along with two conference organising volunteers: Antoine Robichet and Rajendra Baraiya.

Sagar is a PhD candidate at University of Florida and will serve as the Chair of the WCTRS-Y I activity. He is actively involved with research related to transits, micro-transits, micro-mobility, smart city projects, community-based studies, COVID-19 and its impact on transportation systems and emerging modes of mobility. His research is not just about the emerging technologies but also involving communities and all the stakeholders to meet research goals and develop solutions.

Antoine is currently a PhD student in the SPLOTT laboratory – University Gustave Eiffel (France) and his project is divided into two parts. First, he is interested in the optimal location of sorting platforms around large metropolises. Secondly, he is studying the possibility of using modal shift in cities (cargo bikes, train) and determining their constraints. The major aim of his PhD would therefore be to help reducing the impact of greenhouse gas emissions of freight transport.

Rajendra is a research scholar in the Operations Management and Quantitative Techniques department at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore, India. He will serve as the conference organizing volunteer in the WCTRS-Y I young researcher conference. He is actively involved in the research related to logistics, transportation, inventory management, omnichannel, supply chain management, and blockchain in supply chain.

The WCTRS virtual event in 2022 shall include a Special session for young members facilitated by the WCTRS-Y Committee. The tentative program agenda includes young transport academics' career development, with Question and Answers between young and senior academics with wide-ranging issues from finding a position to publishing in good journals or discussing the impact of the COVID pandemic on networking. It might also include a session on professional dilemmas faced by young research scholars.

To attract more young members for the conferences and to build the contact base, the team wishes to include diverse activities. A dedicated newsletter exclusively for the young members with information on career development, updates of the WCTRS-Y activities, editorial letters from SIG chairs and other global transport researchers, interviews of WCTRS-Y grant recipients, important alerts, and words on the WCTRS journals Transport Policy and Case Studies on Transport Policy. In addition, there shall be a dedicated LinkedIn profile for WCTRS-Y that shall spread words with regular updates.

All the members and office-bearers of WCTRS are welcome to contribute to the activities. The team of WCTRS-YIII activities can be contacted at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. (Ann), and Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. (Eeshan). However, team of WCTRS-YI activities can be contacted at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. (Sagar), Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. (Antoine), and mailto:Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. (Rajendra).

Eeshan Bhaduri, Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Ann Mary Varghese, Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

Face Potential of telecommuting for different employees in the Indian context beyond COVID-19 lockdown – Research article

Telecommuting in India was relatively uncommon before the COVID-19 lockdown probably due to infrastructure constraints, larger family size, different lifestyles, lack of quality of the working environment at home, and inclination towards face-to-face interaction. The COVID-19 pandemic, the nationwide lockdown and the subsequent new normal scenario, has made the adoption of telecommuting by different type of employees indispensable thus giving us the opportunity to conduct empirical research towards a comprehensive understanding of the transformation in telecommuters’ adoption behaviour, efficacy, activity-travel behaviour and identification of the factors influencing the telecommuters’ behaviour and efficacy.

The data used in this research has been collected by circulating Google forms in various social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, during two periods i.e. during the national lockdown and during the new-normal situation. A four-phase analysis has been performed to provide guidance for decision-makers and planners towards adopting measures to encourage telecommuting effectively in India. In the first step, telecommuting behaviour, activity-travel pattern and productivity of employees is estimated based on revealed responses received from various socio-economic groups for the period before and during COVID-19 pandemic (1. during lockdown 2. during new normal). Next, factors influencing telecommuting adoption and productivity are determined which has been used in our stated preference survey conducted in the second phase. Finally, based on stated responses, a logistic regression model has been developed to test the association of existing telecommuting behaviour, activity-travel pattern, factors influencing productivity, socio-economic characteristics and occupation categories with future telecommuting adoption.

Our empirical analysis reveals two major findings, i.e., a large percentage of employees can achieve their desired productivity by working from home (Figure 1) and the ‘rebound’ effect as identified in literature seems to have little impact which proves the applicability of telecommuting as a long term sustainable policy measure in the Indian context. Telecommuters from the age group 40–50 (middle age group of the working population), male, ICT professionals, managers and science and engineering professionals are found to be the most promising telecommuters considering both future adoption behaviour and productivity standpoint. The results have also revealed that male workers, workers having children, higher income, senior workers (>40 years old) are more likely to use personal vehicles, thus, facilitating telecommuting for them would result in relatively higher levels of reduction in vehicular emission. The factors hindering telecommuting adoption behaviour and to attain desired productivity are identified and strategies have been recommended for different authorities (government organizations, employers, IT sectors) to address them like digitisation of files/documents for easy access, provision of satisfactory telecommunication connection, creation of a comfortable working environment by providing required software and hardware support, training sessions and taking care of the mental health of the employees.

This study provides a novel general framework to determine potential telecommuters from employers’ and sustainability perspectives based on employees’ socio-economic attributes, activity-travel pattern during telecommuting, profession, productivity and its influencing factors that can be applied in any geographic area (country/city/specific locality) as well at an institutional level (organization level) to find out suitable socio-economic groups for telecommuting which will help concerned authority to formulate relevant policies and guidelines.

Reference: S. Nayak and D. Pandit, “Potential of telecommuting for different employees in the Indian context beyond COVID-19 lockdown,” Transp. Policy, vol. 111, pp. 98–110, 2021.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.07.010

Ms. Suchismita Nayak, Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Dr. Debapratim Pandit, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

WCTRS CAR Council for India

Current Members

Bhargab MAITRA | Professor | Doctor of Philosophy | Indian

Ashish Verma, IISc Bangalore

Bhargab Maitra, IIT Kharagpur

Pushpa CHOUDHARY | PhD | Indian Institute of Technology

Professor G Raghuram - Gujarat Maritime University

Pushpa Choudhary, IIT Roorkee

G Raghuram, NRTI

Previous members

Dr. K V Krishna Rao, Professor, IIT Bombay (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.)

Activities by CAR Council

A total of 347 WCTRS members are from India. The CAR council From India works towards keeping the Indian WCTR members engaged in WCTRS activities and their continued participation in upcoming WCTR Conference. For this purpose, an exclusive WCTRS India Mailing List has been created. Choices of the Indian WCTRS members for a specific SIG were collected by circulating a questionnaire to them. After getting the above information, the lists were sent to the respective SIG chairs requesting for inducting these members into the respective SIG. Currently, out of 347 WCTRS Indian members, around 120 are already being added to SIG of their choices. The remaining members, who have not yet responded, will be reminded again for filling up their SIG choices. The members being added to SIG of their choice can benefit from all activities (Webinars, competitions, relevant special issues, etc.) of that SIG.

Dr. Pushpa Choudhary, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India.

Membership of the WCTRS

The WCTRS is the only international society in transportation with a truly global network, bringing together over 1000 members from 67 countries to advance and exchange ideas and research across the transport sector.

Members connect through the Society's triannual World Conference, which provides a rich forum to present and discuss the latest in transport research and practice, and through the activities of the Society's Task Forces and 33 Special Interest Groups, each of which represents a specific area of interest and inquiry. Members under 35 years old are additionally invited to participate in the Young Researcher's Initiative activities, which include a one-day event at the World Conference where young researchers can present their work and take advantage of networking opportunities and discussions on career development.

As well as being able to access this global network through Society events and our exclusive membership database to make contacts and further research collaborations, WCTRS members also benefit from the Society's partnerships with other prominent transport organisations, such as the International Transport Forum, the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, and the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport. WCTRS and its partners exchange news and details of events, jobs, and publication opportunities and make this information available to members. All WCTRS members can obtain free online membership to the Society's two journals, Transport Policy and Case Studies in Transport Research, and have the opportunity to propose titles for publication in the WCTRS and Elsevier Transportation Book Series.

From academics, practitioners, and students to interested individuals, everyone is invited to join the Society and take part in its activities. Our current membership rates are USD 50 as standard, USD 30 for Members from the UN Least Developed Countries Category, and USD 20 for Students. These memberships will run until the next World Conference in Montréal, Canada, which will now occur Monday 17th-Friday July 21 2023. Transport Organisations who wish to support the Society can apply for Supporting Organisational Membership to access a number of promotional opportunities and memberships for up to two individuals.

If you have any questions about membership, do not hesitate to contact the WCTRS Secretary.

Prof. Greg Marsden, University of Leeds, WCTRS Secretary-General

31 03 ANPET noticia AnalistadeTransporteContrataVAGA PARA BRASÍLIA/DF

EGL Engenharia, empresa de consultoria em transporte e mobilidade urbana, contrata: Engenheiro Civil ou Arquiteto Pleno para a área de Transporte e Mobilidade Urbana – Vaga para Brasília/DF

Área de atuação: Atuará na execução de projetos, para clientes públicos e privados, nas seguintes áreas:

Mobilidade Urbana: planos diretores e de mobilidade, transporte não motorizados (malhas cicláveis e circulação pedestres), pesquisas origem/destino, etc;

Transporte urbano e regional de passageiros: transporte multimodal de passageiros, planejamento operacional, otimização de redes, modelagem macro e microscópica, tecnologias de transporte coletivo (BRS, BRT e VLT), viabilidade técnica, econômica e ambiental, Sistemas Inteligentes de

Transporte (ITS), gerenciamento financeiro e bilhetagem eletrônica, interoperabilidade e integração de transporte;

Aspectos institucionais do transporte de passageiros: licitações e outorgas, modelagens institucionais e de gestão, regulamentação do transporte público, coletivo e individual.

Formação: engenharia civil ou arquitetura, preferencialmente com pós-graduação ou interesse em pós-graduação na área de transportes e mobilidade.

Experiência profissional: Mínimo 5 anos de experiência, com atuação em estudos e projetos de engenharia de transportes, planos de mobilidade urbana, estudos de reestruturação de sistemas de transporte coletivo, planilhas tarifárias, sistemas de bilhetagem eletrônica, sistemas inteligentes de transporte (ITS), montagem de editais de licitação de transporte coletivo e terminais, sistemas de modelagem de demanda e rede de transporte e tráfego, viabilidade econômico-financeira, pesquisas de transporte e tráfego etc.

Competências técnicas

  • Conhecimento de licitações e contratos públicos na área de transportes;
  • Conhecimento em técnicas e softwares da área (AutoCad, TransCAD, VISUM, VISSIM, EMME; Aimsun ou similares);
  • Conhecimento em ferramentas de Geoprocessamento (ArcGIS, QGis ou similares);
  • Domínio de Excel

Competências gerais

  • Capacidade de articulação e bom relacionamento interpessoal;
  • Autonomia e iniciativa;
  • Capacidade de concentração, sistematização, análise e síntese;
  • Capacidade para cumprir prazos estabelecidos, assiduidade e pontualidade;
  • Boa comunicação oral e escrita.
  • Desejável fluência em inglês.

Empresa de atuação nacional com sede em Brasília, vaga para trabalho na sede, remuneração compatível com mercado. Interessados mandar e-mail para Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. com “analista transporte e mobilidade” no assunto até 10/04/2022.

03 03 anpet doutorado notíciaOportunidade de Doutorado na Stevens Institute of Technology, EUA.

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