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01 10 ANPET Noticia ResearchWhat: International Webinar on “Church Street First - Impact Assessment of Pedestrianizing an Urban Street in terms of Quality of Life”

The Innovating for Clean Air (IfCA) programme is a joint initiative between India and UK to pilot air quality improvement initiatives in Bengaluru. Under the Clean Air Street initiative, Church Street in Bengaluru was closed for vehicular traffic every Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 AM to midnight for four months from 7th November 2020 till 28th February 2021. The Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT), Govt. of Karnataka, India was a primary partner along with IST Lab., IISc, Bangalore, and Catapult UK in implementing the Clean Air Street initiative. The focus of this study is to analyze the air quality and public opinion towards pedestrianizing an urban street. Both quantitative and qualitative studies were carried out to understand the impact of the initiative in terms of Quality of Life (QoL).

This international webinar will present the results of the impact assessment done by IST Lab, and will consist of presentations on individual chapters of the report. It is organised by the IISc Sustainable Transportation Lab. (IST Lab.), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, in association with TCT-D01 of Transportation Research Group of India (TRG) and SIG-H2 of World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS). The project report was formally released on 24th Sep. 2021 at a public function on Church Street, Bengaluru.

When: 3pm-6pm (IST) Friday 1st October 2021.

Further Information: For full details, including the event programme, and the links to the webinar and the report, please see the IISc Sustainable Transportation Lab webpage.

What: Call for papers for Special Issue of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice- ‘Integration of passenger and freight transport’

This special issue of Transportation Research Part A tries to systematise the different approaches adopted so far in dealing with the issue “integration of passenger and freight transport”. It explores the research opportunities related to the topic from different perspectives, focusing on implications of integrated freight/passenger transport on transport policy and practice. The SI is meant as a reference for the scientific debate about the theme. Papers included in the SI should clarify: (a) the importance of the issue addressed and problem solved; (b) novelty and distinctive features of proposed approaches against published methods; (c) important findings/managerial insights drawn from analytical results; (d) implications for practitioners and policy makers. Analytical contributions and empirical studies that report significant research contributions on policy and practice are welcomed.

Deadline: The deadline for submission is 30th April 2022.

Papers should be submitted online at the Transportation Research Part A Editorial Manager, and should select the issue name "VSI: Integration passenger-freight" when uploading.

Further Information: Full information about the Special Issue can be found at THIS LINK.

The Elsevier Guide for authors can be found at THIS LINK.

If you have any questions, please contact the Special Issue editors Silvio Nocera (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.), Constantinos Antoniou (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.) or Yusak Susilo (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.).

