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30 05 noticia a anpetTítulo: A ANPET e o Papel de seus Congressos para a Comunidade Acadêmica

Palestrante: Cira Pitombo - EESC/USP Diretora Científica da ANPET | Lattes
Data: 03 de junho
Horário: 11:00h
Local: Transmissão Online

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30 05 noticia Processo Seletivo para Mestrado em Engenharia de TransportesMestrado em Engenharia de Transportes (EESC-USP)

Venha Estudar Conosco!

Data para inscrições até: 11/07/2022. 

  • Temas de Pesquisas: 
    Planejamento de Análise de sistemas de Transportes
    Operação de Sistemas de Transportes
    Materiais de Pavimentação
    Sistemas inteligentes de Transportes 
    Gerência de Pavimentos 
    Geomática Aplicada
    Segurança Viária
    Análise Numérica 
    Logistica e Transporte 
    Smart Cities
    Mobilidade Urbana
    Sustentabilidade nos Transportes 

Clique AQUI para mais informações.

05 05 ANPET May2022 NoticiaAbout the Special Issue on “Shared Urban Mobility Systems in the Global South (SUMS)”

It is our pleasure to invite all of you to contribute your original manuscripts to the Special Issue (SI) in the Transportation in Developing Economies (TiDE) Journal, the official Journal of the Transportation Research Group (India). The SI is inviting articles in the broad area of "Shared Urban Mobility Systems in the Global South (SUMS)". The details of the aims and scope are available at HERE.

This SI intends to showcase research work being carried out by academicians and practitioners around the world, on relevant topics related to the developing economies, which include (but not limited to) -

(a) Mobility as a service (MaaS) and travel behavior
(b) Energy implications of shared urban mobility systems
(c) Last-mile connectivity and micro mobility system
(d) Quality of service in shared transport
(e) Operations and management of shared urban mobility
(f) Impact of Covid-19 on shared urban mobility, and
(g) Innovative data and methods for analysing urban travel behavior

Details about the issue are available at Special Issue on Shared Urban Mobility Systems in the Global South (SUMS)

The call for papers is open until June 30, 2022.

Special issue editors

1. Charisma Choudhury, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, UK; Email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

2. Zia Wadud, Center for Integrated Energy Research, University of Leeds, UK; Email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

3. Bharath Haridas Aithal, Ranbir and Chitra Gupta School of Infrastructure Design and Management, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; Email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

4. Bhargab Maitra, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; Email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

5. Arkopal Kishore Goswami (Corresponding/Lead Guest Editor), Ranbir and Chitra Gupta School of Infrastructure Design and Management, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India; Email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

International symposium on smart vehicle and mobility – SIG C1 Update

The School of Vehicle and Mobility of Tsinghua University, in collaboration with Tsinghua University Press, China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association (ITS China), and the World Conference on Transport Research Society C1, held a virtual Symposium on Smart Vehicle and Mobility on April 8, 2022, to pique interest in a new generation of smart vehicle and mobility technologies and management. Nine renowned researchers participated in the event, including Mr. Li Chaochen (Chairman of the board of ITS China), Dr. Li Keqiang (Professor of Tsinghua University, Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering), Dr. Jonas Eliasson (Director of Swedish National Transportation Administration, Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences), Dr. Deb Niemeier (Professor of Maryland University, Member of National Academy of Engineering USA), Dr. Gilbert Laporte (International member of National Academy of Engineering USA), Dr. Henry Liu (Professor of the University of Michigan) and Dr. Xiaopeng Li (Associate professor at the University of South Florida), to share their perspectives, exchanging ideas, and discuss the future development of the emerging industry.

Audience from all over the world, including USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Hungary, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Romania, Singapore, Malaysia, Chinese mainland, and Hong Kong, China, participated in this international symposium online via 3 live streaming channels, with a total of 7,750 viewers across the globe and a total of over 16,000 likes.

Also, Communications in Transportation Research (COMMUN TRANSPORT RES) presented the Best Paper Award to Jonas Eliasson (Director of Swedish National Transportation Administration) for ‘Efficient transport pricing–why, what, and when?’, and Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles (JICV) awarded the Best Paper Award to Qing Xu, Jiangfeng Wang, Botong Wang, and Xuedong Yan for ‘Modeling and simulation of intersection quasi-moving block speed guidance based on connected vehicles’ in the symposium.

Feel free to WATCH THE REPLAY.

The symposium was hosted by Drs. Xiaobo Qu and Shuaian Wang, included a mix of welcome speeches, technical sessions, and the best paper and best editorial board awards for two well-developed new journals: Communications in Transportation Research and Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles. Topics and discussions centered on ‘Efficient transportation pricing’, ‘Roadmap to cooperative & automated transportation’, ‘Rethink the safety challenge for highly automated vehicles’, ‘ETS-Data-sharing to advanced mobility’, and ‘The history, influence and recent research trends of vehicle routing problem’ explored both the development and value of new technologies from multiple perspectives and provided ways and platforms to publish and reproduce research works.

The symposium focused on the role of emerging technologies in promoting smart vehicle and mobility. In addition, it helped enhance the linkage between mobile communications and shared mobility which gradually opened up the smart city vein. In the mode of collaborative development of people, vehicles, roads, networks, and clouds, a series of breakthroughs in advanced technologies and system solutions will drive a comprehensive upgrade of the travel experience. Participants welcomed the opportunity to exchange views on planning and scheduling strategies with peers from the broad audience.

In the symposium, the host also announced that Tsinghua University and ITS China will co-host the journal of Communications in Transportation Research, and a signing ceremony has been arranged on 23 April 2022.

In his closing statement, Dr. Xiaobo Qu emphasized the importance of interdisciplinarity in transport and vehicle research, open science, and international collaborations. All sectors wish to strengthen the collaborations for a safer, sooner and greener transport system. The host highlighted: “When we collaborate, the science prevails”.

Communications in Transportation Research publishes peer-reviewed high-quality research representing important advances of significance to emerging transport systems. Since her first paper was published in Aug 2021, the journal has published 33 articles, with authors from 16 countries/regions (see Figure below). In the past 7 months, these articles attracted 108 citations from 25 countries/regions. Our journal has attracted citations from not only all major transportation journals but also other areas such as energy and computer science.

Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles (JICV) publishes peer review research covering all aspects of intelligent and connected vehicles (ICVs) technology. It was selected as a Tier 1 top journal in the field of automotive engineering of China by Chinese Association for Science and Technology in January 2021. In 2022, the journal has received 28 citations, which are two times compared the discipline average. The editors predict to publish over 20 full length articles from 10 countries/regions. The journal is among the first transport/vehicle journals to enforce replication package. A dedicated promotional editor is in place to promote JICV papers on a one by one basis, via social media platforms (LinkedIn, Twitter, WeChat, EurekAlert!) and MailChaimp. All papers will be published in open access but no fee to our authors.

Prof. Xiaopeng Li, University of South Florida, Florida
Prof. Zong Tian, University of Nevada, Reno

A paradigm shift in urban mobility: Policy insights from travel before and after COVID-19 to seize the opportunity – Research article

COVID-19 outbreak from contagious coronavirus disrupted human societies across the globe. The virulence and speed of the disease spread further led to policy paralysis across sectors forcing the adoption of lockdown. The transportation sector was among the first casualty of this intervention due to its nexus with the virus spread, leading to abrupt changes in mobility patterns in bustling urban cities.

Taking stock of this emergent issue for urban mobility, a web-based survey was conducted in urban cities of India during the different phases of lockdowns (20th March 2020 – 30th June 2020). The goal was to capture the mobility shift and the need for a safer and disaster-resilient public transport (PT) system with a particular focus on prescribing and testing a set of policies. In the pre-COVID-19 scenario, it was found that PT is the most preferred travel mode in densely populated tier-A cities; tier-B cities rely primarily on private modes (car, MTW) for their daily travel.

As a consequence of the lockdown, a free-fall was observed for travel. PT was shunned by respondents as these were considered the breeding ground for viruses and places where new norms like physical distancing were challenging to adopt.

The effect of telework (work/ study from home) guidelines had a dramatic impact on the primary activity trips; close to 60% of the respondents in both categories of cities were able to telework. However, the repercussions of this norm, isolation due to quarantine, and social distancing affected the mental well-being of the respondents (e.g., 80% of teleworking persons had experienced higher stress/ anxiety/ fear in both categories of cities).

As anticipated, the travel demand rose with the easing of lockdown restrictions. The survey results indicate ‘car’ appeal post-COVID lockdown at a pan-India level. Figure 1 illustrates the nature of mode shift among the respondents in tier-A and tier-B cities. To sum it up, the respondents preferred the least risky travel modes (car, MTW) over high-risk travel modes (PT, shared travel modes).
Along with this sentiment, the study captured the willingness to pay extra for traveling in a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system to reduce their chances of getting infected in the closed PT system, which reflected the need for sustainable and disaster-resilient PT.

Finally, the study proposed and evaluated policies that can be implemented in the short to long term using a multi-agent transport simulation framework (MATSim). In the short term; work-from-home is ideal for reducing travel demand. In the medium term; gaining the trust of PT users is crucial, and tailormade policies (e.g., discounting PT fare) are necessitated. For the long term; travel demand management techniques such as staggering work/ education days and investment in active travel modes are needed. The results of the simulation experiments promised to pave the way for implementation.

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically exposed the loopholes in urban mobility and our preparedness for disruptive events. It is an opportune time to reflect on the resilience of our transportation systems, especially public transport, and invest in the active travel modes for affordable, sustainable, and disaster-resilient urban mobility. It is a silver lining in the wake of this crisis, and it is prudent that we seize this opportunity.

Reference: Thombre, A., Agarwal, A. (2021). A paradigm shift in urban mobility: Policy insights from travel before and after COVID-19 to seize the opportunity. Transport Policy, 110, 335-353.

Prof. Akhilesh Kumar Maurya, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India

Membership of the WCTRS

The WCTRS is the only international society in transportation with a truly global network, bringing together over 1000 members from 67 countries to advance and exchange ideas and research across the transport sector.

Members connect through the Society's triannual World Conference, which provides a rich forum to present and discuss the latest in transport research and practice, and through the activities of the Society's Task Forces and 33 Special Interest Groups, each of which represents a specific area of interest and inquiry. Members under 35 years old are additionally invited to participate in the Young Researcher's Initiative activities, which include a one-day event at the World Conference where young researchers can present their work and take advantage of networking opportunities and discussions on career development.

As well as being able to access this global network through Society events and our exclusive membership database to make contacts and further research collaborations, WCTRS members also benefit from the Society's partnerships with other prominent transport organisations, such as the International Transport Forum, the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, and the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport. WCTRS and its partners exchange news and details of events, jobs, and publication opportunities and make this information available to members. All WCTRS members can obtain free online membership to the Society's two journals, Transport Policy and Case Studies in Transport Research, and have the opportunity to propose titles for publication in the WCTRS and Elsevier Transportation Book Series.

From academics, practitioners, and students to interested individuals, everyone is invited to join the Society and take part in its activities. Transport Organisations who wish to support the Society can apply for Supporting Organisational Membership to access a number of promotional opportunities and memberships for up to two individuals.

If you have any questions about membership, do not hesitate to contact the Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo..

Prof. Greg Marsden, University of Leeds, WCTRS Secretary-General

29 04 Noticia Aberta Submissão de trabalhos para coleção de artigosManuscript submission is now open for a new article collection I am co-editing on “Sustainable Urban Transportation in Developing Countries”.

We would like to consider including a paper from you in this collection - if you would like to contribute, you can learn more about the collection Here.

We would be delighted to feature your work and hope you will contribute an original research article/review or a less time-consuming mini-review/perspective.

Further information on article types can be found at this Link.

The aim of the collection is to bring together the latest quality articles from researchers working in the area of sustainable development and sustainable transport, focused on case studies of cities and transportation companies in Developing Countries - intends to explore as many different dimensions of the issue as possible, as for instance best practices and researches in this issue worldwide which can benefit Developing Countries..

This is in collaboration with Frontiers in Future Transportation in the sections Transport Safety, Connected Mobility and Automation, Transportation Systems Modeling & Transportation Emissions.

All research will be published Open Access. Additionally, we aim to put together a free eBook of all published manuscripts to provide an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of the latest research developments in the field.

If you would like feedback on a manuscript’s suitability, please submit an abstract (or proposed research overview) by June 15, 2022.
As we publish on a rolling basis, you are welcome to submit your final manuscript before the deadline of August 01, 2022. We can also accommodate personal extensions if needed.

Please note that publishing fees are applied to accepted articles, but the team at Frontiers is happy to advise you in this regard. You can reach out to our dedicated point of contact at Frontiers if you have any questions: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

If you are interested, please register via the link below. You will shortly receive a follow-up email with further details from Frontiers. If you do not wish to participate but know someone who might, please feel free to forward this on to them.

The editorial team: Barbara Bezerra, Rui Ramos & Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva.

19 04 ANPET noticiaWhat: Antwerp Inland Navigation School 2022 (hybrid edition)

AINS is a week-long series of presentations, debates, and practical workshops focused on key challenges for Europe's inland navigation industry. It is a great opportunity for seasoned professionals in the business to gain more in-depth knowledge, as well as for academics and Ph.D. students who would like to gain advanced insight into how inland navigation businesses work and what scientific methods can be applied and derived. During and in between the sessions, there will be many networking opportunities. The Antwerp Inland Navigation School program covers a variety of topics. Themes vary from basic to in-depth inland navigation knowledge around the market - process - vessels - infrastructure. Speakers from European universities and international inland navigation businesses highlight topics such as policy and regulations, financing, sustainability, and innovative concepts, and the Future of Inland Navigation.

When/where: 25-29 April 2022, Antwerp, Belgium
Deadline: 20 April 2022
Further Information: Details are available on the website

What: Urban Logistics Summer School 2022

This course provides the necessary background, knowledge and skills for students for an immersion into Urban Logistics. The course is composed of two weeks. During these weeks the students will participate in an intensive series of interactive lectures. Topics are organized per day: urban logistics: setting the scene, logistics and its role in the city, modelling and data collection, evaluation of urban initiatives, and implementations: lessons and challenges. To better enjoy a wonderful summer in Antwerp, additional social activities are scheduled including excursions and group activities in the summer in Antwerp.

When/where: 16-26 August 2022, Antwerp, Belgium
Deadline: 1 June 2022
Further Information: Details are available on the website.

What: Call for papers: Special Issue on Place-Based Decarbonisation

The climate crisis now requires a daunting scale of response if global commitments on emissions reduction are to be met. However, much of the analysis to date has focussed on top-down assessments of what needs to happen with limited understanding of what this means on the ground.

Special Issue Information: This ‘place-based decarbonisation’ for transport special issue presents an opportunity for authors to publish their cutting-edge accounts of empirical research, review papers, theoretical contributions, and practitioner papers from across the world which make a theoretical and/or novel empirical contribution to the understanding of how to decarbonize transport in a range of different contexts and recognising the importance of how local context interacts with decarbonisation as a complex multi-scalar issue. The topics covered in this special issue will include but are not limited to transport decarbonisation and societal readiness, policies and policy packages, fairness and justice, governance and the interface with spatial planning. Place as a lens involves thinking about location, locale, meaning and attachment. Place is not synonymous with local or bottom up but instead, a recognition of the importance of how local context interacts with decarbonisation as a complex multi-scalar issue. The Special Issue encourages the submission of papers from across the world which make a theoretical and/or novel empirical contribution to the understanding of how to decarbonize transport in a range of different contexts.

Guest editors: Dr Samarthia Thankappan, University of York and Prof Greg Marsden, University of Leeds ITS
Deadline: 1 July 2022
Further Information: Find out more and submit your paper here

31 03 ANPET noticia AnalistadeTransporteeMobilidadeContrataEGL Engenharia, empresa de consultoria em transporte e mobilidade urbana, contrata: Engenheiro Civil ou Arquiteto Pleno para atuar como Coordenador de Transporte e Mobilidade Urbana – Vaga para Brasília/DF

Área de atuação: Atuará na coordenação e execução de projetos, para clientes públicos e privados, nas seguintes áreas:

Mobilidade Urbana: planos diretores e de mobilidade, transporte não motorizados, pesquisas origem/destino e tráfego, planejamento de comunicação social,;

Transporte urbano e regional de passageiros: transporte de passageiros, terminais de transporte, planejamento operacional, otimização de redes, modelagem macro e microscópica, tecnologias de transporte coletivo (BRS, BRT e VLT), viabilidade técnica, econômica e ambiental, Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS), gerenciamento financeiro e bilhetagem eletrônica, interoperabilidade e integração de transporte;

Aspectos institucionais do transporte de passageiros: licitações e outorgas, modelagens institucionais e de gestão, regulamentação do transporte público, coletivo e individual.

Formação: engenharia civil ou arquitetura, com pós-graduação na área de transporte e mobilidade.

Experiência profissional: Mínimo 7 anos de experiência, com experiência comprovada na atuação em projetos de engenharia de transportes, planos de mobilidade urbana, estudos de reestruturação de sistemas de transporte coletivo, planilhas tarifárias, sistemas de bilhetagem eletrônica, sistemas inteligentes de transporte (ITS), montagem de editais de licitação de transporte coletivo e terminais, sistemas de modelagem de demanda e rede de transporte e tráfego, viabilidade econômico-financeira, pesquisas de transporte e tráfego.

Competências técnicas

  • Conhecimento atualizado da legislação e regulamentos aplicáveis à área de atuação
  • Conhecimento de licitações e contratos públicos na área de transportes;
  • Conhecimento em técnicas e softwares da área (AutoCad, TransCAD, VISUM, VISSIM, EMME; Aimsun ou similares);
  • Conhecimento em ferramentas de Geoprocessamento (ArcGIS, QGis ou similares);
  • Conhecimento de gestão de projetos, planejamento estratégico, indicadores e metas.

Competências gerais

  • Autonomia e iniciativa para a solução de problemas.
  • Capacidade de articulação, liderança de equipe e bom relacionamento interpessoal.
  • Capacidade de concentração, sistematização, análise e síntese.
  • Capacidade de gestão da informação e da documentação.
  • Capacidade para cumprir prazos estabelecidos, assiduidade e pontualidade.
  • Boa comunicação oral e escrita.
  • Desejável fluência em inglês.

Empresa de atuação nacional com sede em Brasília, vaga para trabalho na sede, disponibilidade para viagens, salário a combinar. Interessados mandar e-mail para Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. com “vaga coordenação transportes” no assunto até 10/04/2022.
