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18 08 anpet noticia wctrsWhat: Announcement of the 2nd International Conference onTransportation Infrastructure Projects: Conception to Execution(TIPCE-2022),

We are happy to inform you that after the grand success of its first version, the 2nd International Conference on “Transportation Infrastructure Projects: Conception to Execution” (TIPCE-2022) has been planned for Sep. 14 - 17, 2022. It would be held in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, the oldest Technical Institute in Asia. The conference aims to provide a common platform to academicians, field engineers, professionals, decision-makers (in and outside government), and institutional support lenders like World Bank, ADB to present and discuss the case studies which have turned the stones by way of imparting knowledge or learning lessons and practical solutions that were implemented successfully. The learning may be at any level of a project, i.e. planning, design, construction, or operation.

The experiences in the conference will be shared by higher-level academia, CEOs of consulting and Programme Implementing Units (PIUs), Secretaries from Ministries, Govt. of India involved in transportation-related infrastructure, and freelance transportation professionals. In addition, the conference will have special sessions to discuss extended abstracts/ papers received from the potential participants, creating ample opportunities for discussion among participants.

When: 14th-17th September 2022 at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee.

Deadline: The deadline for abstract proposals is 15th January 2022. The Call for Papers will be released soon, and further information can be found at this link.

Further Information: For further information please see the conference website.

11 08 anpet noticia wctrsWhat: SIG G2 ‘National and Regional Transport Planning and Policy’ mid-term event “Ensuring sustainable mobility in urban periphery and rural areas and remote regions”, Monday 27th- Wednesday 29th September 2021

While intercity transport has attracted much attention in transport research, everyday mobility in urban peripheries, rural areas and remote regions is a rather unexplored areas of transport research that is attracting much attention. SIG G2 will therefore hold a virtual mid-term workshop to explore the wide range of issues in this topic.
Registration for this workshop is now open. It is free to attend, and you must register in advance at this link.

When: This virtual workshop will take place Monday 27th- Wednesday 29th September 2021

Further Information: The programme for the workshop can be found in this Accessible Word Document. Please contact Takeru Shibayama (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.) if you have any questions.
A Topical Collection (Special Issue) of the ETRR (European Transport Research Review) which will be published from this event. Full information is available on the Special Issue webpage.

10 08 ANPET NoticiaWhat: The 24th Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference -  26th-29th August 2021

The 24th ATRS World Conference, hosted by the Special Interest Group A1 (Air Transportation) of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) and School of Aviation, University of New South Wales, Australia, will now be a fully online event. It will include:

  • Workshops for Ph.D. students and junior faculties;
  • Task force report and excellence award presentation of the ATRS Global Airport Performance Benchmarking Project;
  • Industry and academic keynote speeches;
  • Special sessions of Aviation Education;
  • Parallel presentation sessions.

The conference participation fee is US$90 (US$35 for students). Registration includes a 1-year membership with ATRS and the Ph.D. student and junior faculty workshop.

Deadline: Participants should register to attend at this link before Sunday 15th August 2021.
When: The conference will take place online Thursday 26th-Sunday 29th August 2021.
Further Information: Please see the ATRS website for further information.

03 08 anpet noticia PROGRAMA PILOTO PARA FOMENTAR PARTICIPACIONCon el objeto de incentivar la participación de estudiantes de pregrado en el Congreso Panamericano de Transporte y Logística PANAM 2021, la Directiva de la Sociedad Pan-Americana de Investigación en Transportes y Logística decidió se ofrecer una tarifa reducida para estudiantes de pre-grado de 100,000 COP (aproximadamente 28 USD). El estudiante deberá ser presentado por un profesor. En el caso de estudiantes meritorios de bajos recursos que no puedan pagar la tarifa rebajada, se le sugiere al profesor que envie un email a Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. explicando el caso.

Paso 1: Pagar la tarifa

El vínculo de pago (solo para estudiantes de pregrado) es el siguiente:

Paso 2: Enviar los datos personales del estudiante para la inscripción en el congreso

El estudiante deberá enviar un correo a Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. con la siguiente información:

  • Nombre completo del estudiante:
  • Email del estudiante:
  • Universidad en la cual estudia:
  • Número telefónico del estudiante:
  • País:
  • Profesor que lo presenta:
  • Email del profesor:
  • País:

21 07 anpet noticia 6º PRÊMIO CÁTEDRA ABERTIS EM TRANSPORTESAs inscrições para o 6º Prêmio Cátedra Abertis em Transportes estão abertas. Para participar do concurso, é preciso realizar sua inscrição no período de 16 de julho de 2021 a 13 de agosto de 2021

A Abertis é um dos principais grupos internacionais em gestão de infraestruturas para a mobilidade e as comunicações e Fundação Abertis, entidade sem fins lucrativos que tem por objeto, com caráter geral, o desenvolvimento, fomento e promoção de todo tipo de atividades relacionadas com o estudo e pesquisa sobre a participação do setor privado no crescimento econômico e social derivado da gestão de infraestruturas.

Com objeto de fomentar o interesse dos universitários brasileiros, e estudantes de mestrado e de doutorado, a cátedra Abertis estabeleceu o Prêmio Abertis sobre gestão de infraestruturas de transportes e segurança viária no Brasil, em duas categorias, à:

a) melhor tese de doutorado ou dissertação de mestrado de Gestão de Infraestrutura de Transportes e Engenharia de Transportes, e

b) melhor tese de doutorado ou dissertação de no tema de segurança viária, que tenham sido defendidas no Brasil durante o ano de 2020, na área de Engenharia de Transportes e correlatas.

Clique AQUI para acessar o edital do 6º Prêmio Cátedra Abertis

15 07 anpet noticia wctrsWhat: SIG C3 2021 Webinar Series- ‘Performance and behavioural analytics using mobility traces in public transport systems‘ by Dr Oded Cats (Delft University of Technology) Wednesday 4th August 2021

Human mobility has been known to exhibit some common features that extend beyond time and space. Automated fare collection (AFC) systems, in particular smart card data, passively collect data concerning individual mobility patterns. In this talk Prof Cats will provide an overview of how analysts and planners can capitalize on smart card data and showcase a series of studies ranging from delay propagation assessment and route choice estimation to user segmentation from cities in Europe and North America.

Dr Oded Cats is an Associate Professor at the Department of Transport & Planning at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. Dr. Cats research is devoted to developing theories and models of multi-modal passenger transport networks by combining advancements simulation and operations research, behavioural sciences and complex network theory and modelling. The domain of application for most of his work is metropolitan public transport systems where he focuses on network dynamics and robustness, service operations and control, and passenger demand and flow distributions. Dr. Cats co-directs the Smart Public Transport Lab at TU Delft, leading a research group that works closely with public transport authorities and operators. He is the recipient of a European Research Council Starting Grant entitled CriticalMaaS. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research and the leader of the international course for public transport professionals and young researchers (PPTS).

When: Wednesday 4th August 2021, 11am-12pm (Delft, GMT+2), 1 pm -2 pm (UAE, GMT+4), 7 pm – 8 pm (Brisbane, GMT +10)

Zoom link

Zoom Meeting ID:  873 0949 4246
Password: 068287

08 07 anpet noticia Reminder of the International Conference onWhat: The International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2022) in Collaboration with SIG B1: Call for Papers

The 8th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2022) will be held in Bremen (Germany) from February 23 - 25, 2022 and will be accompanied by satellite events such as a PhD workshop.

Dynamics of logistics processes and networks are at the heart of the forthcoming conference. We invite empirical, theoretical, methodological, and practice-oriented contributions addressing the modeling, planning, optimization and control of processes in supply chains, logistic networks, production systems, and material flow systems and facilities. LDIC 2022 provides a forum for the discussion of advances in that matter. We encourage WCTRS researchers, especially those with an interest in Logistics and Supply Chain Management topics, and especially those connected to the SIG B and B1 interest groups, to present their best work at the conference and related events.

When: February 23 - 25, 2022

Deadlines: Deadline for abstracts (for presentations only) with up to 250 words: October 1, 2021; Notification of acceptance: November 1, 2021.

Deadline for full papers with up to 10 pages: September 1, 2021; Notification of review results: November 1, 2021; Submission of revised, camera-ready full paper: December 1, 2021; Publication of conference proceedings: May 2022The submission system – including author instructions and Springer’s template – is no open and can be accessed via this link.

Further information: Please direct any questions to Aseem Kinra (SIG B1) co-chair about the conference. The full list of topics of interest and call for abstracts and papers can be found at the following link, and the following website link. The call for papers is also be listed at the WCTRS SIG B1 homepage.
